Friday, May 21, 2010

Time to stop talkin’ and start walkin’…WAIT!

Yesterday, while thinking about the Team in Training Kick Off Party for this season that was last night, I was mentally prepared to start training this Saturday with a 15 mile ride. I was all psyched up and ready to go and was thinking, “The time has come to stop talkin’ and start walkin’ (riding)”. I decided I wanted to arrive at the kick off a little early. When I got there, I looked around wondering about how few cars were in the parking lot, but then realized I was there a bit earlier than I anticipated. I went in the building to sign in and see who was there. I recognized Kari and was re-introduced to Lynne (I met her at the Rock and Roll Marathon that Julie ran in 2 years ago), both of whom I’ve been corresponding with through my decision making process regarding this century ride since about October or November 2009. They have been fabulous to respond and answer my millions of questions. At sign in, we were given a goodie bag which had all sorts of really great information (training, fundraising, etc.), a running jersey, an emergency contact strip to stick on my shoe while training among other things. The meeting started and the group was asked who was there for cycling, so I raised my hand and looked around expectantly for my other team mates. I couldn’t see one other hand raised. Not ONE! They started introducing coaches and mentors and they were all for the marathon trainers. I’m looking around for someone that might look like a cycling coach or mentor, but decided that I would have no clue what a cycling person might look like. I observed someone walk in just as the meeting was getting started and quietly take her seat. She was the last one to be introduced as (drum roll, please) the cycle mentor, and when she got up, she asked, “Who here is going to cycle?” I looked up and said, “That’s me!!!” WHEW! Finally, someone that I can talk to about cycling. She smiled at me and looked at the back of the room and acknowledged another cycler. As I contorted myself to look around the person beside me, I spotted my team mate. YEAY! Another cyclist!!! In a room full of about 50 people, there were three of us (mentor included). I got to talk with our mentor for a while after the kick off to get a few more questions answered and to meet my teammate. Apparently there are 5 people-total-signed up to train for the Sawtooth Cycle Challenge, but 3, not to mention the coach, couldn’t be there last night. So-I am still looking forward to meeting him and the rest of the team.

I also found out that we aren’t starting training this weekend like I thought. We are starting either May 29th or the first Saturday in June. This weekend the coach is out of town and next weekend is Memorial Day weekend (the two of us who were there last night are here next weekend and mentioned that we are happy to start then). So-we’ll see. Part of me is glad training doesn’t start tomorrow because I’ve been watching the weather report and Saturday is looking oh not so pretty, with an 80% chance of rain. I’ve been thinking about this for so long that I feel like I am mentally ready to get my body ready for this September event. If I can’t ride this weekend, well then I will reacquaint myself with gym. “Hello gym.”

All in all, last night was a good experience, and I came away ready to “play”. Some of my nerves have been squashed with encouraging words from our mentor, but there are a few nerves that still exist due to the anticipation of the unknown.

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