Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mission Moments:

Mission Moments:

At the beginning of most training sessions, we have what’s called a “Mission Moment”. This is where we hear stories of/or from people battling one form of blood cancer or another. This helps to remind us why we are pushing our bodies to do things that some of us thought we could never do. When I start thinking about giving up, it’s the mission moments and the personal moments that remind me that quitting is not an option.

This last Saturday’s mission moment reminded me why I’m out there riding the pavement (well, actually, so far, why I’m on the spin bike), not from a stranger’s perspective, but from someone I’ve known for several years.

Two years ago, my friend’s husband was diagnosed with stage 0 Leukemia. They were told that a person can stay at this stage for 15-20 years before it progresses, IF it progresses. Over the last three weeks, he went in for more testing. The results of the testing confirmed that the cancer has progressed and they are discussing treatments.

This Saturday will be our first ride outside for the season. The distance options are going to be 13 miles or 23 miles. I’m going for the 23 mile loop. I’ve been anxious about riding in the cold due to not liking to be cold-but eager to get on my bike. But when I ride this Saturday, when I want to quit and go warm up, I will be thinking of all of the people that I’m riding in memory and in honor of, realizing that they couldn’t and can’t quit. What gives me the right to consider the option to quit?

I am so close to my fundraising goal. Would you consider helping me get there? Please go to to securely make your tax deductable donation. If you don’t want to donate on line, you can write a check to LLS and give it to me-I’ll make sure it gets there.

Thank you so much for your consideration to donating.

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